A Connection to Nature


How do I choose my motifs?

I love long walks in the forest passing beautiful meadows and views of the Swiss mountains.

During my holidays I love to spend my time outdoors enjoying beautiful landscapes.  and expereincing the joy of walking throuhg them.

I observe my surroundings and try to identify the different species sourrounding me. I am fascinated by how all the different organisms live together in a fragile balance forming a complex ecosystem.

As soon as motif such as a beautiful flower, a bee or a bird in its ecosystem impresses me, I feel the motivation to capture this moment in a painting.

An idea to paint something grows over time and becomes stronger.  I then photograph the motifs so that I can later create a composition from my idea and start painting at home.

How does a painting become alive?

A new painting is born with my motivation to capture a beautiful moment I experienced, willing to make this feeling visible for others and myself.

Based on the pictures I have taken on my walks outside, I first make a sketch of the composition that I plan to paint later.

I place the motifs as I have experienced them outside, with the aim of  creating harmony and the excitement to discover more. I love to have a lot of details in my paintings to  give the viewer the opportunity to take a closer  look at my painting.

After I have completed the sketch, I transfer the motifs onto a canvas. The final painting will resemble the sketch, but will not be the same, as new ideas emerge during the transfer to canvas. After the preliminary drawing, I start by priming the painting to get a first impression. Then I add all the details. This step is the one that takes the longest, but is also the one I like the most.

A painintg is finished when I see nothing left to be improved and a feeling of perfection emerges.

Some Facts about Myself

Favourit Paint – Acrylic

Painting since 2003

MSc in Biology ETH

Swiss Artist

My Philosophy

Enjoy the little things in live to value the time you are given

Enjoy the moment
Do dandelion flowers bring a smile to your face when you see their seeds flying in the wind?
Perceive your surroundings
Are you fascinated by the diversity of a meadow – its scents, interactions and sounds?
Stay eager to learn and discover
Be captivated by the fascination that drives you to learn and understand even more.
While living a few hundred miles away, I travel back and forth Virginia and Maryland, very often indeed. So each time I do that I always try to visit this museum, either on my own or bringing my friends and relatives in…
Sarah C.
posted on Forsquare

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